2. The role of Educational Institutions and Madrassas in Spreading Arabic Language and Culture in Nangarhar Province: A Case Study
Madrassas, Arabic Language, Curriculum, Teaching methods, Nangarhar
The Madrassas in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, play a crucial role in teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers. This language holds significance as it enables students to comprehend the textbooks tailored for their Islamic-focused curricula. The curriculum covers essential aspects such as the Holy Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Islamic tradition, Islamic history, and other related subjects. These graduates are expected to possess the knowledge in diverse fields, although their education is distinct from that of university students. The Madrassa graduates receive a comprehensive education in various subjects, achieving excellent results. This language-based education is not limited to Nangarhar Province but extends throughout Afghanistan. The curricula and learning materials predominantly use Arabic, except a few books focusing on grammar and morphology, like Kitab Nahv Mir, Sarfi Buhai (morphology), Mizan al Sarf (morphology), Zoradi, Fusul Akbari, and others in Persian or Urdu. This paper focusses on the challenge of lack of complete Arabic language environment faced by Madrassa students. So, they are advised to continually improve their Arabic language skills, by using it extensively in their daily lives and especially during school hours while interacting with their teachers and colleagues until they achieve mastery.
How to Cite
Dr. Abdul Qayyum Madani,Mr. Mohamed Arif Hazim. “2. The Role of Educational Institutions and Madrassas in Spreading Arabic Language and Culture in Nangarhar Province: A Case Study”. Al-Bukhari Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Vol. 3, no. 1, Aug. 2023, http://albukharijournal.in/index.php/abjais/article/view/106.