Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies2024-12-02T04:57:19+00:00Dr. A. Abdul Hai Hasani Nadwi,editor@albukharijournal.inOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Al-Bukhari Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies</strong> is an international peer-reviewed, open access and academic journal covering all the areas of Arabic and Islamic Studies.</p> <p>The journal aims at promoting academic research activities in Arabic and Islamic Studies through publication under the aegis of the School of Arabic and Islamic Studies, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India.</p> Age of A’ishah (ra): a Multidisciplinary Look2024-08-31T16:51:13+00:00Muhammad Kabir Nasallah,<p>Condemnations of the Prophet's marriage to Aisha have received significant attention in recent years as a prominent critique of Islam. Muslims are said to emulate the actions of an individual who engaged in improper interactions with a girl who was 9 years old. Consequently, this has caused several individuals to question their religious beliefs and the ethical guidance they offer. Nevertheless, this critique is founded on erroneous logic. Upon examining the existing data, we see that early marriage was not only prevalent in several ancient civilisations, but it also aligned with their moral values considering the conditions they faced. Throughout the course of human history, societies have been required to adjust to their physical and social surroundings while also optimising their moral assessments, just like we now do. This study examines the inherent flaws in claims regarding the purported immorality of the Prophet, as well as how Islam instructs us to adjust the teachings of the Qur'an to accommodate evolving situations.</p>2024-08-20T16:50:43+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Bukhari Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies of Sheikh Abdul Aziz Zia al-Din Zahid Murad to the Literature of Biography and Autobiography2024-09-03T16:41:31+00:00Dr. Abdul Hakim<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sheikh Abdul Aziz Zia al-Din Zahid Murad was considered as one of the most prominent Saudi writers who made tremendous contributions to genre of modern Arabic literatures, such as: Drama, Novel, Short Story, Children Literature, Autobiography and Biography etc. Sheikh Aziz Zia has written two important books in the Biography Literature. The first one is: ‘Bridges to the Summit’ and the second is titled ‘Hamza Shehata: A Summit that was known and not discovered’. Besides these, he has written his autobiography titled ‘My Life with Hunger, Love and War’ in three volumes.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The aim of the paper is to discuss about the originality of the art of biography in the shade of his two books. Moreover, it presents an extensive and analytical study of his Arabic Autobiography by highlighting social, cultural and political issues that he has focused on. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The paper mentions the literary and artistic styles that the writer dealt with in his autobiography by indicating some important opinions and suggestions expressed by the most prominent writers and readers about the book which gained great reputation among the researchers and academicians in a short period.</span></p>2024-08-20T16:53:17+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Bukhari Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies Most Important Elements of Leadership Behavior in the Light of Islam2024-08-31T17:01:46+00:00Dr. A.M. Ali Ibrahim Jamali,Mr. A. Mohamed Ismail, Mr. M. Mohamed Inamul<p>Leadership behavior is an important concept in Islam as Islam encourages the development of positive behaviors that contribute to achieving effective and positive leadership. These leadership components, requirements and the conditions that must be met in an individual, which make him qualified for leadership, and give him the authority to lead, by referring to studies and writings specialized in the field of leadership in Western administrative thought.</p> <p>This research will determine the behavioral leadership components of a leader in Islamic thought, which are those components that give the leader the ability to achieve the goals set for him and his group efficiently and effectively, and also give him the ability to confront changes or developments in the environmental conditions surrounding him and then ensure that he continues to lead.</p>2024-08-20T16:53:33+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Bukhari Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies Oore Yaavarum Kel2024-08-31T17:03:39+00:00Dr.K.M.A.Ahamed<p><em>Puranaanuru</em> is a Collection of ancient Tamil Poems. It is the oldest poetic work in Tamil literature found in Tamil written in the<em> Sangam </em>era. It is an encyclopedic work of the domestic and semantic objects of human life and their multifaceted advancements. The renowned poet <em>Kanian Poonguranaar</em> has composed this poem -(<em>Yaadum Oore Yaavarum Kelir</em>), which indicates the brotherly and friendly relationship between the people of the world. This poet-<em>Kanian Poonguranaar</em>, belongs to the era called the <em>Sangam</em> era. In this article, the researcher made the translation of the poem <em>Yaadum Oore Yaavarum Kelir</em> for your perusal.</p> <p> </p>2024-08-20T16:54:19+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Bukhari Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies and Kindness in the Sufi Literature: A Descriptive Study2024-09-02T05:03:05+00:00Mr. Saad Blaly, Dr. A. Abdul Hai Hasani<p>Sufism holds a significant and esteemed place in Arabic literature. Sufi writings have often captivated the minds and souls of people, leading their hearts to understand the essence of life, which is love and compassion. In their discussions, Sufis frequently emphasize that love and compassion are at the core of Sufism and even claim that they are the reason for the creation of the universe. They derive this from their deep interpretation of the Hadith Qudsi: "I was a hidden treasure, and I desired to be known, so I created the creation. “The great Sufi scholar Ibn Arabi, in his work "Al-Futuhat Al-Makkiyah," interpreted this Hadith as follows: "When he mentioned love, we learned about the reality of love and its attributes, which the lover finds within himself. We explained that love is only connected to the non-existent, as it can only be valid when its existence is absent. Sufis assert that love for God is the ultimate goal that enables a person to understand the truth of their soul. When a person's heart is illuminated by the love of the Truth (God), they radiate compassion and kindness towards all of creation. Love and compassion became the foundation of Sufi philosophy, contributing significantly to Arabic literature, both in prose and poetry. This paper seeks to explore the words of Sufis regarding love and compassion and how they described these concepts in their writings, whether in prose or poetry. It also aims to examine the impact of their ideas on society through a descriptive research approach, avoiding unnecessary verbosity. The paper delves into the thoughts of some of the prominent Sufi saints such as Jalaluddin Rumi, Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, Imam Ghazali, Ibn Arabi, Hallaj and Rabiya who are considered to be the most dependable scholars of Sufism. Love for God and compassion for creation are central themes in Sufism, and Sufis seek profound and sincere love for God, His Messenger, and all of creation. In a nut shell, this paper aims to describe the stages of love and compassion as classified by Sufis in their eloquent prose and poetry.</p>2024-08-20T16:54:38+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Bukhari Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies Study of Thirukkural’s Advice on “Gratitude” And its Arabic Translation2024-10-04T16:56:20+00:00M. Fathima Suraiya, Dr. N. M. Ahamed<p>Thirukkural is world-famous for advice and moral values. In this research paper, an attempt has been made to show a few couplets of Thirukkural about Gratitude and its meaning in Arabic as translated by Prof. Mohamed Yusuf Kokan Al Umari, Former Head of the Department of Arabic, Persian and Urdu, University of Madras under the title الابيات المقدّسة, Dr. Basheer Ahmad Jamali, Professor of Arabic and Literature (Retired), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi under the title تركّرل and Dr. A. Jahir Husain, Chairperson, Department of Arabic, Persian and Urdu, University of Madras under the title تروكرل</p>2024-08-20T16:55:07+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Bukhari Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies in the Teachings of the Prophet, (peace be upon him) 2024-08-31T17:16:05+00:00Dr. Mohamed Rafiq Hasani,Dr. S. Abdus Samad<p>The essence of life is grounded in justice, forming the foundation of both kingship and the ideal nation among humanity, one worthy of leadership among nations. In Islam, justice is a precise legal imperative with explicit principles, paving the way for a harmonious Muslim society that upholds respect for individuals, champions freedoms, and enforces the rule of law. This framework rejects extremism, terrorism, and societal decay.</p> <p> Islam provides clear principles to establish a society governed by law, ensuring security and tranquillity while prohibiting doctrinal deviation, terrorism by entrusted individuals, property destruction, and infringement upon the rights guaranteed by Islam to both Muslims and non-Muslims.</p> <p>The divine command extends beyond justice among humans alone; it is imperative that we do not overlook the rights of non-speaking animals and that we treat them with compassion. The Quran regards animals as a species akin to humans, as stated: "There is no creature on the earth nor bird that flies with its wings except communities like yourselves. We have neglected nothing in the Book; then to their Lord they shall be mustered."</p>2024-08-20T16:55:24+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Bukhari Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies Values in the light of works of Gibran Khalil Gibran"An Analytical Study2024-08-31T17:19:36+00:00 Dr. MOHAMMAD<p>The paper titled "Social Values in the light of works of Gibran Khalil Gibran"An Analytical Study: aims to examine the portrayal and presentation of social values by Gibran Khalil Gibran in his significant works, which hold particular relevance in our contemporary era marked by the decline of societal values. Acknowledging the tangible and influential role of social values in constructing an enlightened society, this paper focuses on scrutinizing the masterpieces of Gibran, including "The Prophet," "Broken Wings," and "Rebellious Souls."</p> <p>The analysis delves into prevalent themes in these writings that prominently address social, moral, and societal values such as love, peace, unity in diversity, human dignity, freedom, beauty, sympathy, empathy, and care for humanity, among others. Additionally, the paper endeavors to explore universal themes and extract moral and humanistic lessons from Gibran's works. It organizes these discussions into sub-topics, offering insights into the broader context of the author's life and literary contributions.</p> <p>Beyond providing a brief overview of Gibran's life and writings, the paper scrutinizes significant themes within his works, shedding light on social issues related to love and beauty, moral attributes, and the preservation of human dignity. It acknowledges Gibran's expressive and rich portrayal of human emotions, traits, ethics, and his profound desire for a better world.</p>2024-08-20T16:55:41+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Bukhari Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies Arabic language in Kerala and the stages of its development over the decades2024-12-02T04:57:19+00:00Dr. M. R. Thameem K. Jamaludeen Farooqi<p>The article explores the evolution of Arabic in Kerala, tracing its development from ancient trade routes to its significance in religious and academic spheres. It discusses the spread of Islam, establishment of madrasas, contributions of local scholars, modern adaptations, educational integration and cultural exchanges that have preserved the relevance of Arabic in Kerala.</p> <p>The narrative delves into the historical context, emphasizing how ancient maritime trade routes facilitated the initial introduction of Arabic to Kerala.</p> <p>As Islam spread in the region, Arabic emerged as a prominent language for religious and educational purposes. The establishment of madrasas played a pivotal role in this linguistic evolution, nurturing young minds in Islamic principles and Arabic language. These institutions were instrumental in cultivating a cadre of scholars who made substantial contributions to religious and secular knowledge.</p> <p>Local scholars in Kerala have left a significant mark on Arabic literature and studies by blending regional influences with classical Arabic traditions. This fusion enriched the academic landscape, fostering a dynamic intellectual community.</p> <p>In contemporary times, Arabic has seamlessly integrated into modern educational systems, featuring in school curricula and higher education institutions. This integration ensures the language's continued relevance, meeting both traditional and contemporary educational demands.</p> <p>Moreover, ongoing cultural exchanges between Kerala and Arab nations reinforce the enduring significance of Arabic. Literary events and academic collaborations serve to strengthen these cultural bonds, underscoring the language's preservation and celebration as an integral component of Kerala's diverse cultural heritage.</p>2024-09-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Bukhari Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies